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  1. 在WHERE语法只过滤出必要的记录。
  2. 在SELECT中只选择必要的字段。
  3. 尽可能的提前做运算,降低网络IO成本。
  4. 注意JOIN语句的不合理使用造成的数据量爆炸(过度放大)。
  5. 对于MySQL(TiDB)的映射表使用,结合1,2两点做子查询封装。
    • 所有映射表作为驱动表时无须用子查询封装,但作为被驱动表时一律用子查询进行封装(简化规范,保持一致性)
    • 在SELECT中只提取需要用到的字段(减少字段数来降低的网络IO,及内存使用)
    • 在WHERE语句中尽可能的提前过滤字段,但不能对字段做CH的函数处理(减少记录数来降低的网络IO,及内存使用)
  6. 同一层级不允许使用两个及两个以上的(非LEFT/INNER)JOIN,除非所有都是LEFT JOIN/INNER JOIN。
    • ClickHouse会把同一层多个JOIN的语句重构成多层,每一次只会有一个JOIN。常规情况下数据表都会在第一个,在此前提下只要出现至少一个 RIGHT JOIN、FULL JOIN,那么WHERE条件就不会下推导第一层JOIN,从而会出现数据表被全表做JOIN的情况,从而使性能急剧下降。
    • 不推荐通过对数据表单独封装子查询的方案原因为,在维度表用的是local表时,此方案会造成数据不准,具体详见CH查询逻辑



  1. 所有MySQL映射表的使用,都用子查询进行封装。
  2. 减少一处无意义的中间子查询,降低IO。


--- /Users/dylanwu/Downloads/Diff/MP数据报表优化后.sql	Thu Sep  9 15:23:01 2021
+++ /Users/dylanwu/Downloads/Diff/MP数据报表优化前.sql	Thu Sep  9 14:39:17 2021

## 对所有MySQL映射表做子查询封装,并集合1,2两个方向的优化
@@ -79,29 +79,21 @@
         ,  0                      as a_bid_uv
         ,  0                      as a_imp_uv             
-    -- from (
-    --     select dat, media_id, slot_id, consumer_type, forecast_earnings, c_imp_pv, c_click_pv
-    --     from tracking_report.media_prime_consumer_report
-    --     where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08'
-    -- ) a
-    from  tracking_report.media_prime_consumer_report a
-    join (
-        select dat, consumer_slot_id, cost_type, revenue_share, cost
-        from mysql_tracking_report.consumer_slot_day
-        where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08' and cost_type <> 4
-    )  d on a.dat = d.dat and a.consumer_slot_id = d.consumer_slot_id 
-    left join(
+    from tracking_report.media_prime_consumer_report a 
+    join mysql_tracking_report.consumer_slot_day d on a.dat = d.dat and a.consumer_slot_id = d.consumer_slot_id 
+    left join
+    (
         select dsp_slot_id, dsp_id, is_assigned_to_customer
         from mysql_media_prime_saas.consumer_slot
         group by dsp_slot_id, dsp_id, is_assigned_to_customer
     )f on a.consumer_slot_id = f.dsp_slot_id 
-    left join  (
-        select id from  mysql_media_prime_saas.consumer
-    ) g on f.dsp_id = toInt32(  
-    where a.dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08'
+    left join mysql_media_prime_saas.consumer g on f.dsp_id = toInt32(  
+    where a.dat >= '2021-09-02'
+        and a.dat <= '2021-09-08'
+        and d.cost_type  <> 4 
     group by date_date
         ,  a_media_id
-        ,  a_slot_id  
+        ,  a_slot_id 
     union all 
@@ -119,12 +111,13 @@
         ,  0                                       as income_click_pv
         ,  0                                       as a_bid_uv
         ,  0                                       as a_imp_uv
     from tracking_report.media_prime_media_report  
     where dat >= '2021-09-02'
         and dat <= '2021-09-08'
     group by date_date
         ,  a_media_id
-        ,  a_slot_id
+        ,  a_slot_id     
     union all 
## 减少无意义的中间表,降低IO,提高效率
@@ -140,33 +133,36 @@
         ,  0                               as forecast_cost
         ,  0                               as income_imp_pv
         ,  0                               as income_click_pv
-        ,  uniqCombinedMerge(user_id_bid) as a_bid_uv
-        ,  uniqCombinedMerge(user_id_imp) as a_imp_uv
-    from tracking_report.media_prime_uv_report 
-    where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08'
+        ,  uniqCombinedMerge(bid_uv_state) as a_bid_uv
+        ,  uniqCombinedMerge(imp_uv_state) as a_imp_uv
+    from
+    (
+        select dat
+            ,  media_id
+            ,  slot_id 
+            , uniqCombinedMergeState(user_id_bid) as bid_uv_state
+            , uniqCombinedMergeState(user_id_imp) as imp_uv_state
+        from tracking_report.media_prime_uv_report 
+        where dat >= '2021-09-02'
+          and dat <= '2021-09-08'
+        group by dat
+            , media_id
+            , slot_id 
+    ) uv 
     group by date_date
         ,  a_media_id
-        ,  a_slot_id
+        ,  a_slot_id 
 ) data_table
## 对所有MySQL映射表做子查询封装,并集合1,2两个方向的优化
-left join (
-    select app_slot_id, name, slot_access_type, slot_type
-    from mysql_media_prime_saas.app_slot
-) b on toString(data_table.a_slot_id) = b.app_slot_id
-left join (
-    select saas_mobile_app_id, name, package, account_id
-    from
-) c on c.saas_mobile_app_id = data_table.a_media_id
-left join (
-    select account_id, company_name
-    from media_prime.user
-) e on e.account_id = c.account_id 
-left join (
-    select dat, app_slot_id, cost_type, cost, revenue_share
-    from mysql_tracking_report.app_slot_day 
-    where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08' and cost_type <> 4
-) d on data_table.date_date = d.dat and data_table.a_slot_id = d.app_slot_id 
-where c.package not like '%debug%'  
+left join mysql_media_prime_saas.app_slot b on toString(data_table.a_slot_id) = b.app_slot_id
+left join               c on c.saas_mobile_app_id = data_table.a_media_id
+left join media_prime.user                e on e.account_id = c.account_id 
+left join mysql_tracking_report.app_slot_day d on data_table.date_date = d.dat and data_table.a_slot_id = d.app_slot_id 
+where date_date >= '2021-09-02'
+    and date_date <= '2021-09-08'
+    and c.package not like '%debug%'
+    and d.cost_type  <> 4 
 group by 
     , `账号名称` 


    toString(date_date)                                                                as `日期`
    ,  concat('(',ifNull(toString(e.account_id),''),')',ifNull(e.company_name,''))     as `账号名称` 
    , concat('(',ifNull(toString(saas_mobile_app_id),''),')',ifNull(,c.package)) as `媒体名称` 
    , concat('(',b.app_slot_id,')',ifNull(,''))                                  as `广告位名称`  
    , multiIf(b.slot_access_type=1, 'SDK', b.slot_access_type=2, 'API', b.slot_access_type=3, 'JS', b.slot_access_type=4, '小程序', ifNull(toString(b.slot_access_type),'SDK')) as `接入方式` 
    , multiIf(d.cost_type = 1,'-',d.cost_type = 2,'固定价格', d.cost_type = 3, '分成', d.cost_type = 4, '包断', d.cost_type = 5, '分成', '-') as `结算类型` 
    , ifNull( concat(toString(d.cost),'/', toString(d.revenue_share)) , '-')           as `结算单价/分成比例` 
    , multiIf(b.slot_type=1, '视频贴片', b.slot_type=2, '视频暂停', b.slot_type=3, '浮层', b.slot_type=4, 'banner', b.slot_type=5, '开屏', b.slot_type=6, '插屏', b.slot_type=7, '信息流', b.slot_type=8, '文字链', b.slot_type=9, '动态创意', b.slot_type=10, '激励视频', b.slot_type=11, 'Draw信息流', b.slot_type=12, '互动广告', b.slot_type=13, '个性模板广告', '未知') as `广告形式` 
    , sum(ifNull(a_bid_pv,0))                                                                                                    as `广播总量`  
    , sum(ifNull(if(b.slot_access_type=4,income_imp_pv,a_imp_pv),0))                                                             as `曝光总量`  
    , sum(ifNull(a_imp_uv,0))                                                                                                    as `UV总量`  
    , sum(ifNull(if(b.slot_access_type=4,income_click_pv,a_click_pv),0))                                                         as `点击总量`  
    , ifNotFinite(sum(ifNull(if(b.slot_access_type=4,income_click_pv,a_click_pv),0)) / sum(ifNull(if(b.slot_access_type=4,income_imp_pv,a_imp_pv),0)), 0) as `点击率`  
    , sum(ifNull(forecast_revenue,0))                                                                                            as `总预计收入`  
    , sum(ifNull(forecast_cost,0))                                                                                               as `成本`  
    , sum(ifNull(forecast_revenue,0)) - sum(ifNull(forecast_cost,0))                                                             as `利润`  
    , ifNotFinite((sum(ifNull(forecast_revenue,0)) - sum(ifNull(forecast_cost,0))) / sum(ifNull(forecast_revenue,0))  ,0)        as `利润率`  
    , ifNotFinite(sum(ifNull(forecast_revenue,0)) / sum(ifNull(if(b.slot_access_type=4,income_imp_pv,a_imp_pv),0)), 0) * 1000.00 as `CPM单价`  
    , ifNotFinite(sum(ifNull(forecast_revenue,0)) / sum(ifNull(if(b.slot_access_type=4,income_click_pv,a_click_pv),0)), 0)       as `CPC单价`  
    , ifNotFinite(sum(ifNull(forecast_revenue,0))/ sum(ifNull(a_bid_uv,0)), 0)                                                   as ARPU  
    , sum(a_bid_suc_pv)                                                                                                          as `竞价成功数`  
    , sum(a_bid_selected_pv)                                                                                                     as `竞价被选数`  
    , ifNotFinite(sum(a_bid_selected_pv) / sum(ifNull(a_bid_pv,0)) , 0)                                                          as `填充率`  
    , ifNotFinite(sum(ifNull(if(b.slot_access_type=4,income_imp_pv,a_imp_pv),0)) / sum(a_bid_selected_pv), 0)                    as `曝光率`  
    select a.dat                  as date_date
        ,  media_id               as a_media_id
        ,  slot_id                as a_slot_id 
        ,  0                      as a_bid_pv
        ,  0                      as a_bid_suc_pv
        ,  0                      as a_bid_selected_pv
        ,  0                      as a_imp_pv
        ,  0                      as a_click_pv
        ,  sum(forecast_earnings) as forecast_revenue
        ,  sum(
                      d.cost_type = 1, toFloat64(0)
                    , d.cost_type = 2, toFloat64(if(media_id = 0 and toString(slot_id) = '12' or(a.dat >= '2021-02-05' and a.dat <= '2021-03-07' and a.consumer_type = 'ptgapi'),0,toFloat64(c_imp_pv))* toFloat64(d.cost))
                    , d.cost_type = 3, toFloat64(if(a.dat >= '2021-02-05' and a.dat <= '2021-03-07' and a.consumer_type = 'ptgapi',toFloat64(0),forecast_earnings) * toFloat64(d.revenue_share) * 1000)
                    , d.cost_type = 5, toFloat64(if(a.dat >= '2021-02-05' and a.dat <= '2021-03-07' and a.consumer_type = 'ptgapi',toFloat64(0),forecast_earnings) * toFloat64(d.revenue_share) * 1000)
                    , 0)
              )/1000              as forecast_cost
        ,  sum(a.c_imp_pv)        as income_imp_pv
        ,  sum(a.c_click_pv)      as income_click_pv
        ,  0                      as a_bid_uv
        ,  0                      as a_imp_uv             

    -- from (
    --     select dat, media_id, slot_id, consumer_type, forecast_earnings, c_imp_pv, c_click_pv
    --     from tracking_report.media_prime_consumer_report
    --     where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08'
    -- ) a
    from  tracking_report.media_prime_consumer_report a
    join (
        select dat, consumer_slot_id, cost_type, revenue_share, cost
        from mysql_tracking_report.consumer_slot_day
        where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08' and cost_type <> 4
    )  d on a.dat = d.dat and a.consumer_slot_id = d.consumer_slot_id 
    left join(
        select dsp_slot_id, dsp_id, is_assigned_to_customer
        from mysql_media_prime_saas.consumer_slot
        group by dsp_slot_id, dsp_id, is_assigned_to_customer
    )f on a.consumer_slot_id = f.dsp_slot_id 
    left join  (
        select id from  mysql_media_prime_saas.consumer
    ) g on f.dsp_id = toInt32(  
    where a.dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08'
    group by date_date
        ,  a_media_id
        ,  a_slot_id  

    union all 

    select dat                                    as date_date
        ,  media_id                               as a_media_id
        ,  toString(slot_id)                      as a_slot_id 
        ,  sum(bid_pv)                             as a_bid_pv
        ,  sum(bid_suc_pv)                         as a_bid_suc_pv
        ,  sum(bid_selected_pv)                    as a_bid_selected_pv
        ,  sum(if(v_imp_pv = 0, imp_pv, v_imp_pv)) as a_imp_pv
        ,  sum(click_pv)                           as a_click_pv
        ,  0                                       as forecast_revenue
        ,  0                                       as forecast_cost
        ,  0                                       as income_imp_pv
        ,  0                                       as income_click_pv
        ,  0                                       as a_bid_uv
        ,  0                                       as a_imp_uv
    from tracking_report.media_prime_media_report  
    where dat >= '2021-09-02'
        and dat <= '2021-09-08'
    group by date_date
        ,  a_media_id
        ,  a_slot_id

    union all 

    select dat                             as date_date
        ,  media_id                        as a_media_id
        ,  slot_id                         as a_slot_id 
        ,  0                               as a_bid_pv
        ,  0                               as a_bid_suc_pv
        ,  0                               as a_bid_selected_pv
        ,  0                               as a_imp_pv
        ,  0                               as a_click_pv
        ,  0                               as forecast_revenue
        ,  0                               as forecast_cost
        ,  0                               as income_imp_pv
        ,  0                               as income_click_pv
        ,  uniqCombinedMerge(user_id_bid) as a_bid_uv
        ,  uniqCombinedMerge(user_id_imp) as a_imp_uv
    from tracking_report.media_prime_uv_report 
    where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08'
    group by date_date
        ,  a_media_id
        ,  a_slot_id
) data_table
left join (
    select app_slot_id, name, slot_access_type, slot_type
    from mysql_media_prime_saas.app_slot
) b on toString(data_table.a_slot_id) = b.app_slot_id
left join (
    select saas_mobile_app_id, name, package, account_id
) c on c.saas_mobile_app_id = data_table.a_media_id
left join (
    select account_id, company_name
    from media_prime.user
) e on e.account_id = c.account_id 
left join (
    select dat, app_slot_id, cost_type, cost, revenue_share
    from mysql_tracking_report.app_slot_day 
    where dat between '2021-09-02' and '2021-09-08' and cost_type <> 4
) d on data_table.date_date = d.dat and data_table.a_slot_id = d.app_slot_id 
where c.package not like '%debug%'  
group by 
    `日期`, `账号名称` , `媒体名称` , `广告位名称` , `接入方式` , `结算类型` , `结算单价/分成比例` , `广告形式` 
order by `日期` desc, `账号名称` , `媒体名称` , `广告位名称` , `接入方式` , `结算类型` , `广告形式`
